A Foal and His Money, by CJ Crowe

Thornton Rutherford was known as a philanthropist, and invites to his fundraisers are definitely coveted. Thornton has passed on, but his grieving widow has decided to carry on with his philanthropic tradition in spite of his tragic accident….or was it an accident?

A Murderous Production, by CJ Crowe

Welcome to the fan club party for number one rated soap opera, All My Traumas.

But you’ll find that the cast is anything but one big, happy family.

A Nancy Crew Mystery, by CJ Crowe

Ever wonder what happened to Nancy Drew’s mother? Find out in this Nancy Drew Mystery spoof.

ABCS’ of Murder, by CJ Crowe

It’s murder at a Parent Teacher Association meeting.  That’s right, someone is DOA at the PTA!


Blue Christmas, by CJ Crowe

Santa travels to the South Pole to investigate strange goings on at the Cheerwell, the source of all the magic of Christmas.

CSI, Hicktown, by CJ Crowe

The new Forensic Science Facility in Hicktown is poised to open…and people are just dying to use it.

Curl Up and Die, By CJ Crowe

It’s a hairy situation at a style-off hosted by fashion’s bad boy, Brock Cade. Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Dead Center, by CJ Crowe


The Front and Center Training Center for Training Centers may be in trouble when former Executive Director Jim Wannahoe shows up threatening lawsuits. Will he pay the ultimate price for unsportsmanlike conduct?

Dead Ringer, by CJ Crowe


Has Santa allowed a corporate takeover of the North Pole? Are elves disappearing? Who will save Christmas from the clutches of capitalism at its worst?

Dead Write, by CJ Crowe


The Mysterians are a group of aspiring mystery novelists. They meet each month to act out scenes from works-in-progress and then members critique each scene. Has one of the members decided to commit the perfect crime?

Death and Taxes, by CJ Crowe


Murder interrupts a seminar hosted by the IRS.

Death by Turkey, by CJ Crowe


Ahhh, the 1950s. The Golden Age of Television. Join Gabby Van Yuren as a live audience member for her annual Holiday Broadcast. Is murder on the menu?

Monday Night Mysteries Murder Mystery the Musical

Death Expo, by Cybele Pomeroy


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust… Where’s the profit in that? Find out as you explore the world of those who provide products and services for the final journey. It’s a deadly trip for one of the exhibitors.

Death Warmed Over, by CJ Crowe


Wanted! Dead or Alive is a third rate America’s Most Wanted genre show. They find the killer may be closer than they think when they try to solve a year-old murder.

Detective Mom, by CJ Crowe


Find out which Mom will turn murderous to win the title of Mother of the Year.

Drop Dead, Gorgeous!, by CJ Crowe


Former supermodel Georgianna Traylor has developed an exciting new product. Some people would kill for the recipe.

Expiration Date, by CJ Crowe


A wealthy socialite finds she is dying and decides to throw one last party…but someone isn’t willing to wait for nature to take its course.

Grave Matters, by Cybele Pomeroy and CJ Crowe


A fashion show featuring the hot new styles for the newly dead and grieving turns deadly.

Legend of Creepy Hollow, by CJ Crowe


20 years ago, the town of Creepy Hollow was shocked by the death of hometown girl and budding author Tabitha Craven….and she won’t let the town rest in peace until she rests in peace

Detective Mom, by CJ Crowe


The suicide of Pansy Hizer, beloved founder of social network Mothers Understanding Mothers, has her unpopular and childless sister, Anne, in charge. The consequences turn deadly.

Murder at the Oh No Corral, by Phillip Pomeroy and CJ Crowe


The gold rush is over and the town of Oh No is slowly dying…as are some of its most prominent residents. Travel back to the Wild West and see if you’re fast enough on the draw to catch a killer.

Murder Goes to the Dogs, By CJ Crowe


Unable to accept the suspicious death of her beloved show dog, wealthy breeder Iona Beech, stages an Agatha Christie like gathering inviting all those she suspects of canocide. It could be a deadly mistake.

Murder in the Park, by CJ Crowe


Park Volunteers turn to murder at an annual awards ceremony.

Murder Mystery the Musical, by CJ Crowe


It’s a murder mystery! It’s a musical! It’s a parody! 1930s Broadway meets Hollywood. Solve the mystery of the murder of Broadway Diva Maria Argentina.

Murder Rocks, by CJ Crowe


Mamie Roadhouse is out of rehab and back in the spotlight. Mamie is making a comeback with her brand new venue, Studio Thirteen. It is her first public appearance in three years. Will it be her last?

Murder Through The Ages, by CJ Crowe


It’s always intriguing to have a resident ghost…except when the ghost seems to be growing increasingly violent. Will the Psychic Studies Institute be able to exorcise the ghost before it takes a life….or is there a more earthly cause for the violence?

Murder with a Heart, by CJ Crowe


It’s a matchmaking show with marriage as the prize. Of course,
Til Death Do Us Part is taken quite literally.

Murphy’s Law, by CJ Crowe


The clandestine Murphy Society has met once a year for the last 117 years. There are some secrets the society will kill to keep.

One of the Gang, by CJ Crowe


The year is 1929. After a bloody six month territorial war, the Irish and Italian Mafias have finally hammered out a peace agreement. Will the peace hold when one of the guests is murdered at the first joint meeting?

Resort to Murder, by Cybele Pomeroy


Welcome to the Elysian Greens Golf Resort. Your host, retired rock star Daltry Arbuckle, is dying to meet you.

Slay Ride, by Cybele and Phillip Pomeroy and CJ Crowe


Every year Santa announces the Elfmate of the Year at his annual Elfpreciation party. This is one party the Jolly Old Elf may not survive.

The Art of Murder, by CJ Crowe


Danger artist Tristan Breton has a new protégé. He will be introducing her at the same time he announces a new location for his studio. It’s a killer party.

The Mystery Krewe, by CJ Crowee


What’s more exciting than a Mardi Gras ball? A Mardi Gras ball that one person doesn’t survive.

Til Death Do Us Part, by CJ Crowe


Dr. Gil has been the host of daytime talk show “Advice to the Lovelorn” for 10 years. It is rumored he will announce his retirement during the special anniversary edition of the show. Is he retiring? Or will something more…permanent…. happen?

Tune In, Turn on and Drop Dead, by CJ Crowe


The sixties: an era where peace and love are revered – give or take the occasional counter-culture murder. It’s flower power turned deadly.

When Irish Eyes are Dying, by CJ Crowe


The town of Cloverton is planning their first St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Pageant. Mayor Marsh O’Malley has proposed a multi-ethnic celebration. He thinks it’s a good idea. He may be dead wrong.